Friday, August 30, 2013

Why Marvel Studios Should use LESS Reality and MORE Fiction for future Iron Man films

Because of the blowback that Kevin Feige, Shane Black and the rest of Marvel Studios caused in Iron Man 3 that ruined the Mandarin, it's time they should STOP being so "Reality Bent" and START using more fiction from the comics

Also they should get Ben Kingsley to reprise his role as the Mandarin in Iron Man 4 or any other available sequels so that they don't go wasting the character on some stupid and trashy mask twist that severely violates the character as a rip off. But they don't need to redo the Mandarin, they just got to bring him back they way he turned out evolve him into the properly ring powered Mandarin and have him express using the rings anyway he wants and it doesn't have to be to relentlessly threaten Iron Man because that is the only part of him that died with Aldrich Killian in Iron Man 3 so there is no need to redo the character as the main villain, they just need to make sure that Kingsley is in the fourth film with REAL MAGIC RINGS.

Also they are gonna need to bring back the Ten Rings, terrorists from Afghanistan to help free him from Jail with help from the Ghost and the film Makers have to use Fin Fang Foom and the makulan dragons so that Kevin Feige and his people can prove that they are not gonna keep ripping the movies and characters off with so much boring realitism and they will need to make sure that Tony Stark is still wearing the Iron Man armors because without them, Iron Man 4 won't be Iron Man at all.

So no more holding back over excuses, no hesitating on going off track of what happened in Iron Man 3, no denials. If Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige is still intending to continue the Iron Man films after what he did to ruin the Mandarin by not doing the power rings for the character as usual, turning the correct version of the Mandarin into a joke and ripping us off with that piece of garbage Aldrich Killian because Mandarin is Tony Stark's greatest for and by not doing him right over stereotypes and hesitating excuses, it really makes things worst and it is not fair at all, then he had better get Ben Kingsley back to reprise his role as the Mandarin for one of the next films and makes sure that uses REAL MAGIC RINGS and if it helps they should definately change the character's attire to armor so that the character is wearing protective gear and is fully conceiled of his elderly self and if it helps prevent confusion they should change the name of Ben KIngsley's character's ego from Mandarin to


Inspired by the Mandarin from Iron Man Adventures, armor is exactly what Feige should have used for the Mandarin before choosing to push everything too far by twisting his appearance in the third Iron Man film. So now by bringing Kingsley back to reprise his role as the Mandarin regardless of the wrongs he and his fellow studio workers did to him and start expressing what it would be like if one's own created demon really came to life in the real world and how much bigger a threat he would be simply by evolving Trevor into Iron Mandarin with both the ten magic rings and black armor 

That way everything should go just fine and it won't matter what some idiotic morons say with such mockary or trolling because that does not make them any better that the fans and people that are upset with Marvel Studios for not doing the Mandarin right in the third Iron Man film because it shows that they are fine with the Mandarin being Chinese and with 10 power rings and since Kingsley's character is still alive, they should definately bring him back as Mandarin for the next film so that his character evolves into the ring powered Mandarin that we truely deserve

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