Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How will the Mandarin's Rings work if Reintroduced in Iron Man 4?

Please be advised that if you haven't seen Ben Kingsley's Marvel One Shot, please leave now and wait until you've either seen it on the Thor the Dark World DVD or leaked videos on the internet. If you have seen the one shot, then please feel free to look at this article for hints on the Mandarin's possible reintroduction for the upcoming Iron Man 4 or future Marvel One Shots.

Now since the incident on the Mandarin from last year's Iron Man 3, fans, critics, and cyber bullies have been arguing over the twist and for what controversal version of the character. Now after seeing the Marvel One Shot titled "All Hail the King", not only did we learn that not only Trevor isn't the Mandarin but best part, is that the Mandarin was never Aldrich Killian. It seems that Marvel has understood what the issue was with the treatment on the character in Iron Man 3 that caused the angry reaction from many desperate Marvel fans by ditching the ten magic rings but besides that, another good reason why is also that they didn't specifically have the terrorist cell known as the Ten Rings were never really in the film. The guys that were with Trevor in the footage that Killian fabricated onto many TV screens across the US were just actors pretending to be terrorists along with others who pretended to be people who were killed as well. So know we know that the Mandarin we saw in Iron Man 3 was only an invention made by extremis creator Aldrich Killian to hide himself from us government suspicion and he uses the terrorist organization's symbol to make them take the blame for his failed experiments therefore he frames them so that it helps him keep his activities conceiled.

Now that we have seen the one shot, we all know now that the Mandarin (his true Marvel Cinematic Version) is still out there waiting to reveal himself and that his organization is not only in Afghanistan but because the one who met up with Ivan Vanko at his home in Russia was Asian and the one who infiltrated Sea Gate prison known as Jackson Norris (one of Nighthawk's aliases) to capture Trevor Slattery and have the other terrorists help him break the actor out of jail and escort him to the Mandarin on how their leader will punish him for stealing his name which means there is now a slight chance that Kevin Feige and the rest of Marvel Studios will actually redo and reintroduce the villain as the actual leader of the Ten Rings and that they will be sure to provide him with 10 magic rings this time. Of course with Iron Man 4 being planned as a non comic based/James Bond-like film, the Mandarin cannot get his rings from an alien ship from in the comics and it cannot involve Fin Fang Foom. Instead the source of the Mandarin's rings will need to come from a different source of magic that will make the powers of those rings realistic enough to see in the MCU and luckily there is only one local source of magic available in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the powers in the Mandarin's rings to be based on without being:

Asgardian Magic

It may sound strange but with Kevin Feige planning to make the fourth film non comic based and with Thor and Iron Man in the same cinematic universe, the idea of borrowing asgardian magic and using it in support of the Mandarin's rings should be cool and acceptable, however, not only are they to project the exact same powers as shown from the comics but also what the symbols on each ring represent has to be vital and specific enough to reach the Marvel Cinematic Universe's level of meaningful point of views and there is only one Asgardian source specific enough for the rings to function as

Norn stones with the symbols of the nine realms and these are each realm symbol for each of the Mandarin's rings










and if the tenth ring was needed a symbol and if there is no major tenth realm, what would the tenth ring be specifically based off of?

The Convergence

I know it's awkward for the Mandarin's rings to be based off the nine realms but when it comes to wanting Iron Man 4 to be non comic based, that involves the origins of certain characters in that movie as well and simply by combining the Mandarin's rings and the nine norn stones of asgard plus one for the convergence,you get a unique set of magic rings that would help make the powers inside them look more realistic called the Norn Rings of Asgard. And if Marvel does reintroduce the Mandarin properly equipped with magic rings without using the chinese stereotypes, some aspects of the character's back story as well as the rings must be deviated and sacrificed in order to make it happen because those are one of the reasons Marvel Studios wouldn't do them in the third film.

And to prove it this picture of Baron Zemo firing a blast from the norn stone in his hand should help

So if anyone does want Mandarin reintroduced properly with ten magic rings in hand for Iron Man 4 while depicting him as the leader of the Ten Rings, be sure to inform Kevin Feige and the rest of Marvel Studios straight away while there is still time before production of the movie begins and if anyone asks, I'm just being smart this time.

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