Monday, February 23, 2015

Why Marvel and Sony Shouldn't Use Miles Morale instead of Peter Parker for the MCU's Spider-Man

Just when everyone was thrilled to hear that Spider-Man has been confirmed to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe we were all hoping that they will do a better version of Peter Parker than the Amazing Spider-Man version

 but just when things couldn't get worst, they are just about to as of today rumors about Peter Parker not being included in the Marvel Cinematic Universe start to go viral that the people of Marvel Studios once again act corrupt as they attempt to use the Miles Morales version of Spiderman instead

I don't why the hell Marvel would choose Miles Morales for the MCU Spider-Man instead of Peter Parker rather than waiting a while longer but one thing is for certain that if they don't reconsider things are about to get irritating.

These people are starting to act like A-holes not caring about what we "Specifically want" as if the setbacks with Iron Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 as well as the upcoming Ant Man weren't enough get it through their thick skulls to stop being so f-ing creative with such severe changes.

Clearly its not the ethnicity, its that we don't want Marvel leaving Peter Parker out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

So if anyone is upset about Marvel and Sony's plans of not having Peter Parker included for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, please contact them now and please tell them NO Miles Morale that we Want Peter Parker as the MCU Spider-Man and HURRY!!

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