Friday, January 29, 2016

Who is most likely to die in Captain America Civil War

With rumors of no proof on who dies in Captain America Civil War posted on the web by someone from an anonymous site, arguments, complaints, doubts, opinions and all different kinds of responses have been posted onto this discussion all over the net. Surely it could be based on what we saw from the trailers, character rights from other studios, and much more. Still before we get far ahead of ourselves over obvious speculations, let's review the three characters in this article and then we will tell who is sure to be killed off in this movie.

Now from the post that was posted onto the net on January 19th, the three characters that are said to be killed off are War Machine, Falcon, and Scarlet Witch.

First off the character that the Hashtag Show claims is gonna be killed off which is Scarlet Witch in which her death would lead Vision into committing suicide by ripping his own head off and sending it drifting into Space. Surely Wanda Maximoff and The Vision fell in love and were married in the comics and there is a slight chance the two of them might start showing their love for one another in the film, but after seeing how capable Vision was on his abilities in Avengers Age of Ultron and for how much morality, intelligenc and responsibility he has maintained there is no way that he would kill himself over Wanda's death and just because they saw Scarlet Witch being caught in the void of something headed her way as well as some of the rights to the character are owned by Fox it does not mean that the Russo Bros are killing off because there is no way that the Hashtag Show has any proof to confirm it and there is no way they could have seen the movie.

So clearly it is currently unlikely that Scarlet Witch will die in this film because other than how awesome Elizabeth Olsen's character is with her telekinetic powers and mind reading capabilities, the character has not yet reached the full extent of her abilities and Olsen said that she and her agents are currently waiting confirmation of returning for more films regarding Avengers Infinity War part 1 and 2 and her character's possible stand alone spin off and even though she said that she was on the set for the Captain America sequel for five weeks, there is a chance that she over the past few months or is right now shooting a post credit scene to the movie revealing how she survived the fight in the airfield which reveals the one ability that she has not yet learned

Reality Warping

As one of her abilities it allows Scarlet Witch to teleport to random locations so if she does survive the fight in the upcoming Civil War movie, she will evade the crossfire of any projectile by teleporting to a random location and remain absent until the end of the film. And if anyone of you has played Marvel Avengers Alliance and saw how she does it, you will know it is possible for her to learn that technique in the film which will save herself from being killed off like her brother.

Now for War Machine

As the best friend of Tony Stark aka Iron Man, Colonel James Rhodes aka War Machine participates in the Civil War movie siding with team Iron Man against team Captain America over the government's intention to put all the heroes under their control. In the trailers War Machine was laying either unconcious or dead but either way,his fate is yet to be confirmed

Now for the third hero that is rumored to be killed off it is most likely the Falcon

Because the Falcon Sam Wilson had appeared in 3 previous movies during Phase Two who is appearing in CIvil War as his 4th film, with him using Red Wing for the first time and set to have his origin revealed in the film he is most likely the hero to be killed off either during the fight against Team Iron Man or while thwarting Baron Zemo's plans of unleashing his hazardous toxins.

For now we wait until the movie premiers in theaters

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