Title for 4th film; Spider-Man: Home Alone
Plot: With the universe and the multiverse now having forgotten who Spider-Man is, Peter now lives a normal life on his own, hoping to keep his friends Michelle, Ned and others out of the superhero loop. But all of that is soon to be short lived as a new villain known as Mister Negative has assembled a massive army to take on the Kingpin of crime in an all-out war for New York City's criminal underworld and seeks to pressure Spider-Man into joining him or facing reality by force, even if that means getting people closest to him put in his crosshairs.
Tom Holland as Spider-Man, the friendly neighborhood superhero who now is struggling to ensure that his identity remains secret to protect those closest to him after getting Doctor Strange to cast a spell to make everyone forget that he is Peter Parker.
Yvette Monreal as White Tiger, a rookie vigilante who came to New York City in search of her brother's killer. Ava Ayala appeared as a friend and supporting character in Ultimate Spider-Man who is known for using a mystic tiger amulet bestowed upon her by her late brother Hector Ayala. Much like Peter in Spider-Man No Way Home, Ava will be someone who is compelled by her grief and Peter will need to help her overcome the urge for vengeance and help guide her on the right path on seeking justice for her brother's killer and throughout most of the film up to the climax, Ava would serve as Pete's love interest.
Alaqua Cox as Echo, a former hitwoman who served under the employment of the Kingpin, Maya Lopez, for someone in the MCU is a deaf character, she would fit in with this movie when it comes to crime fighting in New York. Especially connect with someone else who also lost a member of their family.
Zendaya as Michelle Jones
Jacob Balton as Ned Lees
Tony Revolori as Agent Venom
Vincent D'Onofrio as the Kingpin
Claire Rushbrook as Beetle
Title for 3rd Venom film; Venom: Lethal Protector
Plot: After vanquishing Carnage, Venom and Eddie are pursued by government agents for biting off too many heads, along the way, they meet a lovely woman in Mexico named Donna Diego who is saved from drug cartel captivity by merging with the Lethal Protector's second spawn named Scream. Soon as the two are captured and brought to Area 51, they are soon to discover a creature native to Venom's home world of Klyntar. An evil dragon called Grendel who seeks to bring more symbiotes down to earth and now Venom and Scream must work together along with an unlikely ally to stop the threat.
Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock/Venom
Eiza Gonzalez as Donna Diego/Scream
Stephen Graham as Patrick Mulligan/Toxin
Tony Todd as the voice of Grendel
Guy Pearce as the head of Area 51
Naomi Harris as Shriek
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